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august 18造句

"august 18"是什么意思  
  • Terms and conditions - last modified august 18 , 2005
  • Admitted to pamela youde nethersole eastern hospital on august 18
    8月18日入住东区医院, 9月5日出院。
  • Date : august 18 friday
  • It is pretty good on august 18 although it had been rainy over the past week
    尽管活动的前一周阴雨连绵, 8月18日这天天气特别好。
  • On the evening of august 18 , 1941 , it went on the air for the first time
  • Spoken by supreme master ching hai , munich , germany august 18 , 1995 originally in english
    -清海无上师以英文讲于德国慕尼黑1995 . 8 . 18
  • Spoken by supreme master ching hai , munich , germany , august 18 , 1995 originally in english
    清海无上师以英文讲于德国慕尼黑1995 . 08 . 18
  • Spoken by supreme master ching hai , hsihu , formosa , august 18 , 1991 originally in chinese
    清海无上师以中文讲于福尔摩沙西湖1991 . 08 . 18
  • The other one at long ke wan and pak lap of sai kung , reported on august 18 , still persists
  • On august 18 , lee was charged under the pressure , reluctantly agreed to tear down walls of an iceberg
  • It's difficult to see august 18 in a sentence. 用august 18造句挺难的
  • Police today ( august 18 ) urge members of the public going to southern district to make full use of public transport
  • The midfielder has earmarked his sides visit to merseyside on saturday august 18 as one of the early highlights of the campaign
    切尔西中场球员认为: 8月18日的默西塞德之旅,将会是联赛前的一个亮点。
  • They are bayer appointed reported its findings to the government on july 31 and come into commented the publicly on august 18
  • Amazon residents stand on logs felled from the a - mazon rainforest in ressaca village in the state of para , northern brazil , august 18 , 2005
  • On august 18 , 2001 , fellow practitioners from the tainan center cleaned up the beaches along the tainan golden coast to express their support for environmental protection
  • The subscription fund payable shall be remitted to the bank accounts designated by the co - sponsors ( lead underwriters ) before 17 : 00 on august 18 , 2008
    应缴申购款应当在2006年8月18日17 : 00时之前汇至联席保荐人(主承销商)指定的银行账户。
  • At about 3 . 04 am , a man reported to the police that he spotted his vehicle , which was reported missing on august 18 , at 110 fan kam road , pat heung
  • After investigation , the defendant was arrested on august 18 by regional crime unit of kowloon west and later charged with one count of making a false statement
  • French football player just fontaine was born on august 18 . he holds the all - time record for goals scored in a single world cup finals , with 13 in 1958
    1933年8月18日,法国足球运动员朱斯特。方丹出生。 1958年,他在该届世界杯足球比赛中功进13球,这一纪录至今无人能破。
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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